Referred Articles
Da Costa, J. & Sookpaiboon, S. Learning out of Place: White Affect in Academia. Whiteness and Education.
Da Costa, J. ‘I don’t feel like an activist’: Monstrous Subjectivities and the Racial Elsewheres of Queer ‘Activism’. Topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies.
Da Costa, J. Fat Brown Queer Kid: Pathologizing Unruly ‘Girls’. Feral Feminisms.
Da Costa, J. Charity Not Solidarity: COVID-19 and the Non-Profitization of Mutual Aid in Canada. Journal of Canadian Studies. 58(1): 78–96.
Da Costa, J. Theory Is Not a Luxury: Literary Studies, Sociology, and Minoritarian Critique. Canadian Literature: A Quarterly of Criticism and Review. 255: 77–99.
Da Costa, J. Monstrous Awakenings: Queer Necropolitics in Vivek Shraya and Ness Lee’s Death Threat. Feminist Theory, 1–29. Available at:
Da Costa, J. Pride Parades in Queer Times: Disrupting Time, Norms, and Nationhood in Canada. Journal of Canadian Studies, 54(2-3):434–458. DOI: 10.3138/jcs-2020-0045
Da Costa, J. Binge-Watching: Self-Care or Self-Harm? Understanding the Health Subjectivities of Binge-Watchers. Journal of Health Psychology, 26(9):1420-1432: 10.1177/1359105319877231
Da Costa, J. Binge-Watching: A Life Course Perspective. Journal of Social Thought 3(1).
Referred Chapters
Da Costa, J. The Phenomenology of AIDS Activism: Racial-Spatial Politics in Queer Memory. In Lockard, C., & Silverbloom, R. (eds). Encounters with Sara Ahmed
*Cavanaugh, L., *Stapleton, S., & Da Costa, J. Glitter and Death in the Anthropocene: Dream-Mapping in Apocalyptic Times. In Hill, L (ed.) Arts-Based Research and the Anthropocene: Principles, Portraits, and Pedagogies. Brill Publishers.
Da Costa, J. Erotic Pedagogy: Decolonizing Sex Education. In Koch, M., Schmidt, J., & Schwarz, C.R. (eds.) 30 Years of Stone Butch Blues: An Anthology.
Da Costa, J. Student Choice Projects as Engaged Pedagogy within the Neoliberal University. In Butler, M.L., Davis-McElligatt, J., & Feifer, M. (Eds.) bell hooks' Radical Pedagogy: New Visions of Feminism, Justice, Love, and Resistance in the Classroom. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Da Costa, J. Becoming Sisters, Becoming Free: Black Feminism, Sisterhood, and Social Justice. Pp. 19–36 in Davis, D.J., Davis-Maye, D., Jones, T.B., & Andrew, J. (eds.) Black Sisterhoods: Paradigms and Praxis. Demeter Press.
Da Costa, J. Plastic Encounters: COVID-19 and (De)Racialisation in Canada. Pp. 201–217 in Kouba, P., Malabou, C., Swain, D., & Urban, P. (Eds.) Unchaining Solidarity: On Mutual Aid and Anarchism with Catherine Malabou. Rowman & Littlefield.
Da Costa, J. The 'New' White Feminism: Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism and the Problem of Biological Determinism in Western Feminist Theory. Pp. 317–334 in Carter, K. & Brunton, J. (eds.) TransNarratives: Scholarly and Creative Works on Transgender Experience. Women’s Press.
Reports & Magazine Entries
Babafunso, Y., Baerg, K., Bellissimo, N., Byrne, A., Da Costa, J., Debrota, A., Desaulniers, S., Gill, T., Leisle, M., MacDonald, A., Morton, J., Segave–Tiessen, S., Thoma, H., & Van Bakel, J. (December 15). “What are the underlying causes of food insecurity in Canada, and what role does nutritious and organic food have in addressing these concerns?” The Sandbox Project.
Da Costa, J. (June 1). Fluid. [Short story]. IdentiQueer Magazine, 1: 19–21. Print.
Da Costa, J. (November 17). Missing Curriculum: We Need to Teach Postsecondary Students about HIV/AIDS Resistance. Academic Matters: OCUFA’s Journal of Higher Education.
Select Referred Creative Outputs
Da Costa, J. Re: What is wealth inequality? Studies in Social Justice, 16(3): 649–651.
Da Costa, J. Motherland. Re:locations: Journal of the Asia and Pacific World.
Da Costa, J. Interesting. Feminist Review, 126: 148–150.